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Challenges and Supports for Equality of the Physically Disabled Persons

Updated on December 6, 2019
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The author hails from South Indian village, situated in the South-West coastal region. He is into farm science and agriculture.

The differentially able population

We have our special friends in this world, who are suffering from the misery which has cast upon them for an unknown reason. We call they are challenged, by whom? By themselves or by society, or both? Nobody thinks in depth. We call them handicapped, in the environment set by whom, we never resolve to support the social cause.

The Blind, the Deaf, the Dumb and the Crippled friends of us live in the world of their own, challenged by others to compete with them. These are the challenges of living a normal life.

In India, the Persons with Disabilities Act 1995 safeguards the rights and privileges of the weaker people. The World Report 2011 by the WHO and the World Bank indicates that there are one billion people in the world and around 110 to 190 million, which is the 15% of the adult population in the world is disabled.

The path leading to higher levels of opportunities
The path leading to higher levels of opportunities

The disabilities

Persons try to hide their inabilities or shortfalls, quite naturally. There is some inhibition from within, like shyness, which prevents them from revealing the facts. So, in reality, the number of physically challenged maybe more, as compared to the census or statistical reports. Then, as far as the considerations or privileges of disability are available to the persons having 30% or 40% of disability, in order to be considered disabled. Therefore, one by revealing his shortfall is, on the one hand, depicted as disabled, at the same time, he is not getting any help or benefit. If it is lack of awareness, first make it clear that what is actually a disability?

For a person, it is not a pleasant thing to tell the world that, I am not capable of doing something. In such a situation, they miss certain facilities or help from others which may otherwise be available of extended to them.

Orthopaedic and neuro-muscular disability

Causes of physical or other deformities may be due to congenital, by birth, acquired due to accident or disease or deficiency.

There are different forms of handicaps, such as inborn deformities with impaired organs, externally visible or not visible outwardly. The efficiency of an individual obviously decreases due to such disabilities. Such individuals need extra time or assistance.

Close interactions will make it understandable and thus make it possible to take effective steps.

Spinal cord injury

Due to accident or fall from a height, persons become bedridden due to paralysis. It will be the most unfortunate shock for the person a well as his family. Certain cases improve over time and certain others will be sad events.

Polio paralysis

Poliovirus is causing irreversible paralysis in tiny tots. Taking timely vaccinations will save from such debilitating deformities.

Ageing and stroke-related paralysis

Persons with disabilities themselves neglect their health conditions, economic poverty, and social acceptance, preferably remain backward in health and hygiene, nutrition, education, employment and family life.

Some of the manipulations done by others make life challenging for the physically handicapped. Some of the standard specifications also address the needs of average disabled persons and unhealthy individuals. Making alterations will make their life difficult. You put two extra spring leaves to the passenger vehicles to take more load, a lower limb disabled person has a herculean task to climb such vehicle, the height of such vehicle is half a foot higher than normal.

Mentally deprived

Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, low intelligent status, etc are the causes of mental retardedness and loss of health. Great scientists such as Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking were also affected by mental problems but became world-famous.

Speech and hearing deprived

Inborn or acquired disabilities will be in the form of hearing and speech-related disabilities. Present-day technological innovations help them with suitable computer software and apps for the hearing impaired and those who cannot speak. Helen Keller and Beethoven are examples of famous personalities who overcome their disabilities.

Vision deprived

Eyes bring colours to life and enjoy the various colourful things in light. Loss of eyesight is total darkness. One can imagine how is darkness for entire real-life which cause misery in each and every step the person takes.

Disabilities is an umbrella term covering impairments, activity limitations and participation restrictions.

— World Health Organisation
Sloppy ramp facility for wheel chairs
Sloppy ramp facility for wheel chairs

Acceptance and rehabilitation

Each physically challenged person is suffering, but the manner in which the person is suffering may be different according to the circumstances. Providing opportunities suitable for the capabilities and qualifications of the individual is very important. Otherwise, the struggle which the person has faced so far, in achieving those qualifications will not find recognition.

Overcoming rejections

The general perception is that physically challenged are low performers. Due to this perception, persons are avoided by activities and tasks. They miss the opportunity by falling prey for this general trend of avoiding challenged persons. Some of the challenged persons also have such belief that they will be rejected for low performance, fearing which they themselves stay at the back-row and ultimately eliminated. Always encourage them to develop high enthusiasm and positive attitude to successfully face challenges.

There are many devices and facilities available for the physically challenged for assistance. Starting from a support stick to the modern robotic devices, there has been large number of innovations and development for assistance.

Artificial intelligence and artificial limbs

Limbs are very essential for locomotive activities of the person. For persons, who lost limbs, artificial limb fitments with rigid and flexible materials are available. At some situations, the mechanical accessories won’t cooperate with manual precision and positions. For such things, artificial intelligence for finer movements and flexibility adjustments will be the solution.


Now wheelchairs with motor and intelligent controls are available, which can be adjusted to operate with ease depending on ability.

Special vehicles

Invalid carriages such as tricycles and cars are now available in customized options to suit the needs.

Vision aids

Different display media from assisting the colour blind to the visually highly impaired visioned persons have optical aids. Artificial intelligence devices with text to speech and interactive modes are coming for helping the blind persons walk normally without a stick.

Hearing aids

Text to speech and speech to text conversion

If the public amenities are prepared with suitable utilities for the physically challenged persons, it will be enjoyed by the age-old people, people who have undergone surgeries, carrying mothers, etc. Thus the even ground prepared will be suitable for the playing of everyone with equal opportunities.

Persons with more than one or multiple disabilities are the greatest sufferers.

Anticipation for grants and laziness

It is not uncommon, the usual human behaviour applies here also. When you are spoon-fed, your willingness to eat on your own diminishes. That way, the challenge facing attitude and willingness to do something on one's own has to develop and the environment has to be created in such a way that, even though virtual, the person has to get rehabilitated with some of his own efforts. That way, he will be optimistic and will have contentedness. It is the ability of the rehabilitating person and the cleverness, with which one should make the person understand that he or she alone is responsible for the future by making use of the best out of the circumstances.

When you want to conquer the world, the world comes to your help. If you sit idle, silence haunts you. You should challenge yourself to become successful.

Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan
Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan | Source

Every year the 3rd of December is observed as International Day of Persons with Disabilities. While observing this day, do also remember to recognise the aides who stood by the Challenged persons.

Difficulties of different age groups

Difficulties of persons with disabilities are different at different age groups. The differential treatment from childhood creates an impression on the handicapped kids. In school and colleges, they face the taste of competition. In this phase, most of their mentality in social behaviour and facing the realities is moulded. As a teenager, they develop a lot of ambition and hope. At this point in time, too many rejections may doom them with desperation and disappointment taking to depression.

Youth are productive

In a youthful age, like every person, the physically handicapped also have to struggle hard with all their will and capacities to achieve something. At this age, never mind negatives, who pull you down telling you, you are good for nothing. But that must make your determination stronger to make it false, telling that, "that is your perception, which is nothing but an illusion. I will become worthy to the world with my own achievements".

As an adult need a companion

Whether a Blind should marry a Deaf or is the world is limited to matchmaking among the disabled alone? No, there are broad-minded men and women coming forward to make life partner and accept for life.

Difficulties of the age-old

With the decrease of power of neuro-muscular efficiencies and perception power, life becomes challenging.

Perils of the impaired

Caretaker deserves honour

As far as encouraging the disabled for positivity and preparing them to face challenges to succeed, your article is very good. This shows only one side of the coin. The other side is the vast majority of the normal “Able persons”.

There are three categories of normal persons:

  1. Indifferent regarding the disabled.
  2. Differs the disabled
  3. Encourages with empathy

The first category is not concerned. Let the disabled live their life. I will live mine — attitude. These persons do not do any good for disabled people.

The second category doesn’t want them. They consider that the disabled are not fit for development. They are wasting their life as good for nothing. They distribute hatred in the public against the disabled depicting them as impediments. There are incidences where the disabled were publicly made fun of and humiliated.

The third category, which is at least as many as there are disabled, who help, encourage, support, marry and defend the disabled. We have to award and reward them.

The person who gives support to a crippled, adds melody to the silent, provides concert to the empty, brings light in the darkness has to be honoured for the devotion. They suffer and fight for equality along with their dependents. Mother of a physically challenged child overcoming her shock stands by the child for life to the best of her intelligence to do the right things. A life partner sacrifices many of the worldly pleasures to stands by her companion. The children of the physically challenged work hard to satisfy their needs and also to support their ageing disabled parent. All these persons worth admiration and honour by society.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2019 Halemane Muralikrishna


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