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An Esoteric Analysis of Manatita’s Poem “I Am so Glad, My Love” - Part 3

Updated on August 17, 2019
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Sean is a teacher who is writing about his spiritual adventures to help other people find balance and self-respect.


Enlightened is not the one who finds the Light, but one who, after finding it, chooses to share it.

— Sean Dragon

A Prayer from Love to the Man

In the first and second part of this analysis (link to part 1, link to part 2), we dealt with the first stanza of the magnificent poem of Manatita “I Am so Glad, My Love.”

And we saw that this is a beautiful and powerful prayer that can change the life of anyone who decides to adopt it and to meditate on it every day! It has all the power and magic it needs to clear the rust that we have left to cover our Soul, by living our every moment in Ignorance.

But the next stanza is a real masterpiece because it is a prayer from Love to the man; it is a confession of the Father-God to His lost child which He now finds again!

Let's enjoy it:

“My sweet child, O my crushed angel,

Into the depths of the abyss I came

And shared your distress.

For I need the joy of a Lover’s longing,

To rush through your pores...”

God calls him "my sweet child," because that's what he is to Him. His only child. This is the greatness of Divine Love. We are all His children, but everyone is unique and loved equally. This is the miracle of Love. It is divided and yet multiplied, shared and becomes more!

This Father, we have abandoned, and we live our lives away from Him, in the chaos of fear that crushes our souls. We were Angels next to Him, and we decided to leave Paradise, fooled by the words of our ego, and this fall from above, to the "exile" we have created in our modern world and the confusion we have brought to our lives, has crushed us. That's why He calls us "O my crushed angel." And this phrase gives solace to all the pain within our souls.

In a soul that never ceases calling Him in all the difficult moments, secretly from the ego that imprisoned it "in the depths of the abyss," in the darkness. This call, Love is following and comes close to us to share our sorrow and mitigate our pain. But remember this; His Love cannot take all the sadness if we do not ask for it.

His Love cannot free us entirely if we do not deny the pain. Because Love created us free to decide how we want to live, free to make our choices. So it comes to remind us of what the real joy and happiness are, and so to be able to choose again.

“… The joy of a Lover’s longing...”, the happiness we feel when we offer; when we embrace others selflessly without worrying about self, when this "rush through your pores" then all darkness fades. Fear, selfishness, confusion, sorrow will be erased by the Light, now shining in a reborn Spirit and illuminating the Abyss!


Love Is Leaving Marks Everywhere for Us

“My sweet child, o my crushed angel, come,

For I have a thousand stories to tell you.

I want you to smile; to transmit

The beauty of the Heart,

To the dark night of the Soul.”

God will tell us thousands of stories from our past, to remind us who we were and who we can be again. Stories from our life in Paradise and the magical worlds of Love, where we lived with the angels, along with the gods, the elves, and all the mythical creatures.

Because what else are the myths that we say to each other to remember beauty, purity, and light? These are the stories that Love reminds us of. Love that comes to the abyss to tell us that this is not our real world. Our homeland is elsewhere, where there is the pure magic of the Light, where it is our home and our Father is waiting for us.

This is what Love does every day, leaving marks everywhere for us, and sending Angels to live in the abyss among us, to tell us these stories. This is what all these Saints, who walked and still are walking on Earth, are. That's what poets are when they are writing poems like this.

And these memories bring us hope. Our dreams remind us of the real world, and within us, we know that there is Truth and it awaits us.

So whatever this world tells us, no matter how hard it is trying to convince us that this is and nothing else, that we are slaves of decay and passions, and that we must survive without caring for the others, does not succeed. Because there is this sweet Voice in the abyss, singing to us the stories of our country.

There are these enlightened people who share with their words, but more with their lives that they have come from this place. And we understand that they were not obliged to do so, to leave Paradise and come into the Abyss for us.

They did not do this from obligation, but out of a sense of pure love. Then that makes us smile, and this smile is the Light that fires up again in our Hearts, where Love returns to live again. And this Light is transmitted everywhere around us. When we accept the Love in our Heart again, our smile will be like a beacon for our brothers, and then others will follow, they will wonder why we are smiling and search for answers.

Love will return to their Hearts too, and the beacons will become many, and “the dark night of the Soul” will be lost.



“Here, open up thyself, let me stab you

With the arrow of the New Jerusalem,

Flooding your core with My resplendence;

Emanating fireflies;

Dancing in the moonlit beauty of twinkling stars.”

The next verse is a bit oddly harsh or even violent someone could say. It does not seem to fit the style of the rest of the poem that has so far created such beautiful images of the action of Love.

“Here, open up thyself, let me stab you

With the arrow of the New Jerusalem...

The reader can see this as a punishment, the stabbing with the arrow, the cutting of the flesh. Someone may think that finally Love also punishes and everything was misleading! But it is not so.

Is the surgeon's scalpel a punishment? Is it not necessary to pierce us to get out what is getting us sick? If he does not, then we risk the death that it can claim us. This is the symbolism of this verse. Please notice that God is asking for permission, "... let me stab you ...” does not act anyway. So if we accept to be stabbed, then it will actually be a healing from the inside out and not the other way round, because we have decided to free the Light of our Spirit to illuminate our world.

We will no longer accept the false life, and we will break the fetters that have restricted us all this time. We knew inside for quite some time that this had to be done, but we did not have the strength to conquer our fears. That is why He comes to do it for us, but with our own will. And he does it “...With the arrow of the New Jerusalem...”

New Jerusalem! Zion! This wonderful symbolism. It symbolizes the higher realms of the Spirit consciously experiencing unity with God. It comes after liberation from the bonds of Babylon, which symbolizes our enslavement in the material world, in our passions and selfishness.

This verse thus signifies this release. God asks us to allow him to free us from this enslavement, to pierce us to be emptied of the lie, and thus to be able to be filled with the Truth. Lie and Truth cannot exist at the same time inner us. Unless we are emptied of everything that keeps us away from God, He cannot fill us with His majesty and His miracles.


Do not also forget that the arrow is used to indicate direction, "the arrow of New Jerusalem" shows us the direction we must follow in order to find this state of the Higher Self, New Jerusalem! How many powerful symbols in just a few words!

The Dance of Light

If we let Him deliver us from our darkness and fill us with His Majesty, then the Light will fill our Spirit, and our Soul and our Love for His World will be released. It will be freed in the form of rays of light that will travel to find our loved ones and fill them with light, too, to tell them the story of freedom, and so they will also follow. This light symbolized by the fireflies that will emerge and dance in the moonlight and in the light of all the other souls that have been released and like stars are twinkling. This will be a wonderful dance of free Souls, at the magical pace of Love.

I’m so Glad, My Love, so Glad...

This is the Truth that I see in this wonderful poem. I thank my brother, Manatita, for this Truth and all that reminds me, and in my turn, I will sing:

“I’m so glad, my Love, so glad...”

I am very happy because I have conquered myself and not the world.

I am very happy because I have loved the world and not myself.

— Sri Chinmoy

The Book

Manatita, The Lantern Carrier: An Esoteric Journey to Spiritual Philosophy
Manatita, The Lantern Carrier: An Esoteric Journey to Spiritual Philosophy
This is an excerpt from my book "Manatita, The Lantern Carrier". A book dedicated to all the seekers of the Light which I am sure that it will lift you up!

© 2018 Ioannis Arvanitis


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