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Florida Department of Agriculture Conspiracy to Conceal Violations Exposed.

Updated on October 12, 2020
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Building designing thin shell monolithic concrete homes since 1983 including dome homes and above ground portable 8 ton safe room domes.

Arcadia, Florida Off the Grid Aqua Farm ruined by Gov Scott Dept of Agriculture conspiracy.
Arcadia, Florida Off the Grid Aqua Farm ruined by Gov Scott Dept of Agriculture conspiracy. | Source

Corporations are people?

When the Supreme Court ruled that corporations were people with the same rights as given to those individual citizens, I think the majority of America was astounded.

When DRD Enterprises Inc of Davie tried to file a civil rights suit against Governor Scott of Florida, Commissioner of Agriculture Putnam,Director of Aquaculture Knickerbocker, Inspector General Sears, Counsels for the Department of Agriculture Hall and Costigan of conspiring to obstruct justice it was prevented from doing so. Corporations MUST hire a law firm to represent the company in Civil rights complaints. Bankrupt by the acts of these conspirators DRD Enterprises Inc of Davie must now hire a law firm to expose the verdict of guilty without supporting evidence, really!

Counsel Costigan describes the violation of zoning law committed by this Florida corporation, sinced 1994, as OBVIOUSLY manufacturing for resale on its greenbelt aqua farm. YET, none of the conspirators can produce evidence of guilt? The conspirators obstruct justice so as to conceal the violations committed by Republican District DeSoto County.

The attempt by this SEP corporation to file a civil rights complaint in the Southern District Florida Broward County was denied. Corporations MUST hire a law firm to file a civil rights complaint? This would seem to go against the intent of the Supreme Court Ruling giving every person in America the right to file a civil rights complaint? Yet, DRD Enterprises Inc of Davie, ruined by the conspirators, business bankrupt by acts of the conspirators must now hire a law firm!

Governor Scott, Putnam, Knickerbocker, Sears, Hall & Costigan go free.

When 2 or more officials conceal the truth it is a conspiracy

Using a verdict by a Special Master of DeSoto County that had no authority over farms in Florida is what Florida Department of Agriculture uses to conceal the inaction to protect my Florida certified aquafarm from becoming solar powered.

Only by the Freedom of Information Act was I able to obtain the emails sent to whomever inquired about my complaint. Tell one lie you must tell more to conceal the first. Reading these emails a person would never understand that this farm was an existing sanctioned greenbelt aqua farm that its rights should have been protected by the Florida Right to Farm Act and Aquaculture Policy Act.

Eviction by DeSoto County of the aquafarm caretaker violated the Aquaculture Policy Act, the prevention of building tornado proof storage sheds violated Florida Right to Farm Act. Counsel Costigan, Florida Department of Agriculture, would have you believe that a corporation in Florida since 1994 would purchase a certified aquafarm, begin paperwork for renewal with the Department of Aquaculture only to begin violating the zoning laws of Florida, all within 45 days of purchase? Really.

Still seeking Justice in Florida since 2010

Is there a time limit to expose those conspirators violators to the Constitution and Bill of Rights? Conspirators in Florida believe they got away with violating the Bill of Rights, did they?

Technology today, with everyone having a cell phone camera / video, the violations committed by anyone can no longer be concealed. Today a human rights, civil rights, corruption, CONSPIRACY can now be broadcast all over the world and the truth to be told.

Personally, all of my efforts to have an impartial review of just how a greenbelt sanctioned aqua farm was ruined by a county of Florida with no authority over farms or farm structures have been denied. With the ruling that a corporation must hire a law firm to file a civil rights complaint my only option for retribution is to, via social media, alert the public of the CONSPIRACY TO OBSTRUCT JUSTICE by these CONSPIRATORS.

Congresswoman Frankel nor Rep Edwards can request evidence?

So sad that none of my elected officials could have helped me save my farm.

Congresswoman Lois Frankel and State Representative Katie Edwards. When Congresswoman Frankel's staff contacted me the thought that the truth would finally be revealed was sadly not. Complaint to the Congresswoman was that DRD Enterprises Inc of Davie had been declared guilty by Florida Department of Agriculture violation of zoning, manufacturing for resale on an agricultural zoned farm, without any supporting evidence. Congresswoman's Staff An inquiry is not an investigation and asking for evidence ( the basis of my complaint to the Congresswoman) is not allowed? Say What!

State Representative Edwards, after explaining declaration of guilt without evidence, is told that this is a aqua farm certification issue? She never asks for the evidence of guilt that my letter to her explained. FACT Florida Department of Agriculture has no docs as evidence, allowing DeSoto County and the Six Conspirators to go free.

Now that my company has exhausted its funds and court of law options it can now only hope Social Media can expose these conspirators for judgement. DIRTY 6 Conspirators that ruined this corporation so as to protect Republican District DeSoto County.


When two or more officials conspire to conceal, hinder, obstruct the truth constitutes a conspiracy, a violation of Civil Rights and Constitution of the United States of America.

When Governor Scott, Commissioner of Agriculture Putnam, Director of Aquaculture Knickerbocker, Inspector General Sears, Counsels Hall and Costigan, ALL knowing that no evidence of guilt exist and yet conceal the truth have become CONSPIRATORS!

Hurricane proof storage shed NOT a useful farm structure?

Florida Department of Agriculture Counsel Hall declares that a concrete hurricane / tornado proof storage shed is NOT a useful farm structure! Fact is that if a concrete shed is a useful farm structure then DeSoto County prevented a farm development by stopping the construction of farm structures necessary to operate an off the grid aqua farm. Only one of numerous Examples of the attempt to conceal the violations committed by DeSoto County, Florida, a Republican District.


Not a useful farm structure says State of Florida Dept of Agriculture counsel Hall
Not a useful farm structure says State of Florida Dept of Agriculture counsel Hall | Source

No time limit to appeal conviction in non jurisdictional proceeding

NO TIME LIMIT TO APPEAL when found guilty in a non jurisdictional proceeding is what the Supreme Court has ruled. So by DeSoto County, that has no authority over farms or farm structures in Florida, by taking the authority away from the Florida Department of Agriculture when it issued a stop farm development order, critiqued farm activity and taking a farm certification away by finding a verdict of manufacturing for resale on a greenbelt aqua farm.

This verdict by DeSoto County, with no authorization, should still be possible to appeal and in doing so bring to light the conspiracy to obstruct justice committed by the Tallahassee Dirty 6.

Somewhere Someday a reputable law firm will see my truth and come to my aid.

Tell one lie you must tell many more to conceal the first

11 Acre Aqua Farm ruined by Gov Scott Florida

© 2015 The Real David Pressler


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