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Free Your Passion and Shift Your Emotional Frequency

Updated on January 16, 2016

The World Is

The current global emotional shift.

There is a shift taking place on the whole planet. People are waking up. The status quo no longer has a foundation strong enough to survive. By status quo, I'm referring to monetary, religious as well as traditional values. That is the status quo that is slipping away. The status quo can NOT survive. Change IS taking place and "everyone" is included in the shifts effects. To make your journey into the changing world it is necessary to learn new skills. I'm not talking about work related skills, I'm talking about emotional skills.
Why emotional skills?
The shift taking place planet wide is causing emotional chaos. Uncertainty and fear are the negative aspects of this shift, and they can be seen or felt on every level. From the global monetary systems, work environments, education, health and even the state of the Earths environment. To control how the shift affects you personally, a totally joy filled and love filled heart is the solution. As I said in my hub a few years back. It is time to "Build a new man from the inside out. No longer running from who we are inside." See that hub here!

Light & Thoughts are Both Vibrations

Vibrations, Frequency and Space

To get an understanding of the basics of shifting your emotional frequency to one of love and joy, it is good to get an understanding of the world on a sub-atomic level. Science has proven the literally everything is vibrations. Within every atom the electrons and protons are vibrating. Sound is a vibration, light is a vibration and all things vibrate at different frequencies. Even thoughts are vibrations and electrical in nature. Electroencephalography (EEG) is the science that proves thoughts themselves are vibrating things.

Enlarge a single atom so that the nucleus is the size of the sun, the distance between the nucleus and the electrons, is similar to the distance between the sun and the planets.... which means 99.99% of an atom is empty space. This is where it gets unfathomable to the human mind. Your body is made up of trillions of trillions of atoms, which means you are 99.01% empty space. Only .01% of who you think you are is matter - the rest of you is empty space. Your presence here in this three dimensional world is seen only through the eyes (both technical and physical) yet you are actually mostly empty space. Unfathomable.

Since thoughts are things as we have proven above, your emotions determine the rate at which you are vibrating, or better said, "your frequency." Your emotions are like the radio station playing the frequency you are radiating outwards from you. Fear based thoughts vibrate at a different frequency than do love based thoughts. Since your thoughts vibrate outwards from you, you have an effect on your own surroundings, the world in general and even the cosmos with your thoughts. And, your feelings are the guide that determine your vibes. Hippies were correct... "it's your vibes man."

Good news is, as Jennifer Hough says "you are the piece of the puzzle to create heaven on earth." The global shift taking place is one of awakening love, awakening to the "knowing" that we are co-creators, each influencing the way our global community comes through this amazing planetary change. We are assisting in the dawn of a new era on planet earth. As I said in my hub a few years ago "man will give up the struggle to survive and learn to love life and love living."

AM - All Mental - FM Flipping Marvelous

say it better

Back to shifting YOUR emotional frequency

What each of us can do is to learn the skill of shifting our own emotional frequency to one of love and joy. We do that by moving our thoughts up the emotional scale to joy and happiness. In my workshops, "Free Your Passion," I use this radio dial for a visual aid. Notice the AM and FM are on one line and not over lapping as per normal radios.

On the left side we have AM (all mental) and on the right side we have FM (Flipping Marvellous) Open Picture to get a full view.

When one is focused on the negative aspects of global or personal conditions, you are in your head and NOT radiating joy filled vibrations. When you are focused on happy, love and joy filled thoughts you are in your heart, and radiating the positive vibes thus influencing positive changes.

It is only a matter of thought

Choose your thoughts

Playful Practice

Playful practice is key to shifting ones emotions from AM (All Mental) to FM (Flipping Marvellous).
Below is a list of things you can do daily to assist you in making this journey.

1- Appreciation Log - every day write a number of things you appreciate on one page. Following days add new things to the list until you have a full page. You can start with general things that are easy (ie:you ride on this planet circling the sun, hot water in the shower, food in the fridge and even the fridge itself) and gradually you will get more specific and list things that are important to you daily and things that are important to build your life the way you want it to be.

2- I can say that better.... when you catch yourself saying something negative, find softer ways to express that statement..... and then even a softer way to say the same thing. Carry it on into a rant until you find a way to say the same thing in a positive way.

A- I don't understand --- What is it I am missing

B- I give up --- I'll try another strategy or ask for assistance

C- I screwed up --- I learned another way not to do this as mistakes help me improve

D- This is too hard --- This may take some time and trials

E- This is good enough --- I can improve on this at least little

F- I'll never be smart as they are --- I'm going to figure out how they do it... or get their help

G- I'm not good at this --- I'm on the right track

3- Watch less (even no TV) and only watch things that are uplifting. Remember, watching the news is "already old news" and thus futile to even consider thinking about.

4- Start a few positive folders on your website browser, and whenever you are down spend an hour reviewing the links that appeal to you most in that moment.
a) Happy Tech - save links to technology that will improve YOUR world

b) Happy Stories - save links to stories that uplifted you

c) Happy Clips - save video links that made you smile

d) Happy Spiritual - save links to pages that share spiritual growth sites and videos

e) Happy Funny - save stories, video clips etc that made you laugh

f) Happy Song - save links of songs that make you feel good

5- Develop your own rants that give you the inspired feelings.... POWER added to "I can say that better"

6- Coffee with people who know what you are trying to accomplish and together be each others cheer leaders. Having a few friends who are also on the journey with you will add to the fun.

7- Get involved in things (clubs etc) that matter to you or things that are FUN to you.


By the way - this article shares the true meaning of "Turn The Other Cheek." Shift your emotional frequency.

Light and Energy Workers - please check out this call. "A Call to light and energy workers"

I Highly recommend Abraham Hicks books and you tube audios as they assist in this playful practice.
For those who are "really" ready to "Wake Up" - Jennifer Hough's Wide Awakening materials are must have tools to assist you through your awakening.

End of Self Sabotage with Jennifer Hough

From the head (AM) to the heart (FM)

Free Your Passion

Walk Your Path


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