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How To Look Slimmer/Thinner In Pictures

Updated on July 12, 2015

1. Avoid Low Angle.

Never allow yourself to get photographed from below. It’s the most unflattering angle there is, and can make you look pounds heavier. Head-on or above eye line angle can work, but it’s even better if the camera is slightly above you. Because of the angle, you’ll need to look up, which elongates and thins out your neck and torso.

2. Place Your Hand On Your Hip.

This will help to slenderize your arm. If you find the hand-on-hip pose to be a bit forced, try holding your arms out from your sides ever so slightly.

3. Sit Up or Stand Straight.

Paying attention to your posture when taking pictures can really make a difference. Hunched shoulders and slumped spines will not elongate your figure, doing this will also add on extra looking fats on the abdominal area.

4. Avoid Bulky Clothing.

Bulky clothing will make you appear bigger than you really are, so stick to lightweight, thin fabrics, like silk, whenever possible. If you happen to wear clothing that are too tight, bulky or detailed around the middle, try to place your bag to cover your tummy area.

5. Turn Partially Sideways To The Camera.

Try placing your toe in front of the other. Point your toe to the camera and put your weight on the back foot. A straight-on body shot will make you appear your widest, but if you stand at a slight angle, you’ll look slimmer.

6. Wear Dark Clothing.

Become your most slenderized self by dressing in darker shades, specifically black clothing. Wearing an entire outfit of just one color will do the trick as well, whether it be white, beige, brown, blue or red. One color tends to elongate your figure. Avoid entire outfits in pink, however, unless you are four years old or younger.

7. Add A Filter.

Go for a darker Instagram filter, like X-Pro II or Mayfair, for an instantly bronzed image.

8. Keep Your Chin Up and Out or Use Your Tongue.

This trick will elongate your neck and help to avoid any unflattering double chin. Another trick is to put your tongue on the roof of your mouth while smiling. Rumor has it Heidi Klum and Renne Zellweger are fans of this trick.

9. Pull Your Shoulders Back.

Pull your shoulders back, chest forward and slightly suck stomach in. Not only will this accentuate your collarbone and slim your arms, it will also make you look more polished and put together. Try not to overdo sucking your stomach in as your ribs will show, making it noticeable in pictures.

10. Cross Your Ankles.

This is especially true when sitting in a skirt or dress. By crossing your legs at the ankle instead of knee, you’ll never expose too much thigh and will look leaner.

11. Don't Tightly Press Your Arms To Your Body.

Keep your arms slightly away from your body for a more flattering shot. This keeps your upper arm flab from flattening out and therefore appearing flabbier.

12. Never Stand On the End.

If you’re taking a group picture, try and stand in the middle and slightly turn your body toward the person next to you for your slimmest angle.

13. Experiment With Selfie To Find The Perfect Angle.

No shame here, it’s all about finding what looks best for you!

14. Never Pose Beside A Thin Person.

Especially if you're wearing the same clothing. If you cannot find a fatter or at least equally fat person to pose beside, then try posing beside a tree. Tips: The slender bamboo, for example, is not an option. If you must pose with a thin person, position yourself behind, not beside said skinny person.

15. Never Be The Closest Person To The Camera.

The closer you are from the camera, the bigger you will appear in pictures.

16. Use Whatever Props On Hand To Cover Body Parts You Want To Hide.

There are many ways to camouflage; a good example is your bag. Therefore, the bigger you are, the bigger your bag should be. If your bag is too far away, feel free to use a pillow or a nearby child. A jacket slung over the shoulder will also do the trick.

17. Fake tans.

If you’re showing skin, a light spray tan can make your legs, arms, shoulders, and neck look slimmer. If you’re only showing your face, apply a light dusting of bronzer. Unfortunately, they tend to reeks so try to find a suitable faux tan spray.

18. Make Sure Your Hairstyle Isn't Too Severe.

If you’re wearing your hair up, make sure it’s not too severe. Whereas some hairstyle can make your neck look longer and thinner, buns, braids, or ponytails that are too tight can create harsh angles, causing your face and torso to look larger.

19. Avoid Direct Sunlight.

If you’re shooting outside, direct sunlight can make you squint, which can plump up your jawline. Instead, late afternoon and early evening are the most flattering times of day for outdoor photos.

20. Don't Yell Cheese.

This will only make you look like a chipmunk. Instead, just try to smile naturally.

21. Relax.

When the time comes, just smile and relax instead of worrying how thin you'll look in the photo. If you're too anxious about this, your face and body may look strained or unnatural. If you want to look like your best, thinnest self, then it's important to relax.


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