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This True Test of Self: How Men Love

Updated on March 11, 2013
'This True Test of Self'
'This True Test of Self' | Source

How Men Love...

'This True Test of Self' - How Men Love... is about the all too common problems that modern men face when it comes to being a part of and maintaining a long term relationship. Many men find it almost impossible to commit to love and completely impossible to commit to love, unconditionally.

Irrespective of their bravo and egos, many men struggle with the fear of rejection, a fear of loss and loss of control and most importantly, a fear of that generally unknown part of them called 'Self.' As a result of those insecurities not being resolved throughout their lives, many men withdraw into themselves, rather than allow what they perceive to be a major character flaw, (if they actually choose to admit to it) to be removed or re-channeled into positive communicative skills. Sadly, what they see as being an unwanted vulnerability, is often the very thing that their potential long term partner finds attractive about them...

Copyright © 2012 - 2013 Pearldiver - Art of the Diver with all rights reserved.


A few home truths about men that their mothers didn't sort out.

Yes.. Men are complex, generally to their detriment, especially those who allow their self esteem to sink so low, as to habitually self sabotage their own efforts, merely to avoid the things they want most. In that way, they figure that they can not be hurt or be faced with their fears. A large percentage of men 'internalize' their concerns and in that way, their 'out of sight, out of mind' approach, though often admired by their male friends, only serves to create a negative attitude towards issues that should be, for everyone's sake, openly discussed and remedied.

So attempting to gain a relationship commitment from someone who chooses to not even commit to themselves, or their own health, can often be a futile act. Life and hope would be far easier, if men took themselves more seriously and their relationships, both with themselves and others more honestly, irrespective of their perceived fears and insecurities... Yep... I'm a guy who believes a snowball can survive in hell, while that possibility that the place could freeze over, exists! Below is a true life senario called 'This True Test of Self' by Pearldiver... Enjoy.

Copyright © 2012 - 2013 Pearldiver - Art of the Diver with all rights reserved.


How Men Love...

‘This True Test of Self’

To be together as one, with her like this

Would surely quench my now desires

But then what of tomorrow’s dreams

If they fly, on the wings of today’s fears

I can not say, nor can I tell her honestly

How I love her, oh how I need to walk away

She seeks security within her expectations

But great lovers can... and so, I will walk away like any man

And in my blue, I am alone again

Escapee from every possibility of being loved

My inability to commit unconditionally, intact

She sought the security of forever, yesterday...

But then great lovers, freed by love can

How fears of failing yet again, destroyed those plans

And I, didn’t know how, to let go, in this true test of self

So in the only color I know, I just walked away, like a man!

* Profound Words by Pearldiver *

Copyright © 2012 - 2013 Pearldiver - Art of the Diver with all rights reserved.

'On Any Blue Day'
'On Any Blue Day' | Source

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