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How To Share Blog Articles On Social Networks For Marketing Opportunities

Updated on September 13, 2014

Author's Update:

***As of June 2012, HubPages has Updated the Layout of all Hubs. The images and screenshots below are no longer identical to the New Format. However, you can still use these tips just the same with the same results.

HubPages still allows you to share directly from a Hub on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. (See Screenshot Below ) Sharing on Google Plus and the other Social Sharing Sites mentioned in this Hub can be done by opening your homepage on each site and adding/pasting the link to the Hub you want to share in your Status Updates. If you still have questions feel free to contact the author.***

New Sharing Options: The "Floating" Share Box on Hubs

This is the New "Floating" Share Box. It is always on the right hand side of the page as you scroll down a Hub. You can still share on other Social Networks Like Google+ by opening these networks in another tab and adding the Links to your pages.
This is the New "Floating" Share Box. It is always on the right hand side of the page as you scroll down a Hub. You can still share on other Social Networks Like Google+ by opening these networks in another tab and adding the Links to your pages. | Source

How To Share Your Hubs On the World Wide Web!

Are you new to HubPages? Maybe you have been around for a while and want to learn how to generate more traffic to your Hubs. There are several ways to get more traffic and there are even more articles trying to teach you how to get more traffic. This article explains how to Share and promote your work and how you can help fellow Hubbers in the process.

A few months ago, the Hubber Bret.Tesol came up with a really great idea. His idea involved "Paying It Forward" when it comes to sharing. In Brett's article: "Do You Like to Share? Let's Help Everyone Get More Readers!" Brett made some awesome suggestions on how to create "Chain Reaction" sharing within the HubPages Community. After trying out his method, I found that the formula really works as long as people keep up the momentum. After watching traffic rise, I decided to write a Hub that was intended to promote Brett's idea and to share the experience from my own perspective. You can Find that Hub article here: Why Do I Keep Seeing "Thanks for SHARING" in Many Comments On Hubs Lately? What I found was that if we all share the article we enjoy reading on our social media networks, we help out other Hubbers while helping ourselves in the long run. If we do a "Share for a Share" with our friends on HubPages, we can help each other get more traffic and exposure to our Hubs.

Sharing on HubPages (click photos to enlarge)

This Sharing Bar is at the top of every page under the Hub Title.
This Sharing Bar is at the top of every page under the Hub Title. | Source
Click the "F/T" Button to Expand the Menu (Look at Photo Below) to Share on Different Social Media Sharing Sites, Right From the HubPages Article!
Click the "F/T" Button to Expand the Menu (Look at Photo Below) to Share on Different Social Media Sharing Sites, Right From the HubPages Article! | Source

SHARING: Tell Us What YOU Share!

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How Do You Share on HubPages?

OK, I get it. In order to get more traffic to our own Hub articles, it helps if we share other Hubbers Hubs. As long as they know we are sharing their Hubs, we would hope that they, in return, will read, comment and share one (or more) of ours, leading to a relationship that will benefit all.

So how exactly do you share a Hub Article? It's quite easy actually. In every published Hub, just above the Comments section, there is a Sharing Capsule. In this capsule you can share on the following Sites:

  • Share with your HubPages Followers (Hubbers who follow you)
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Digg
  • StumbleUpon
  • Reddit
  • Google+
  • Pinterest
  • You can "Link to this Page" as well

We'll get into each site individually in case you are not familiar with some of these Social Networking Sites.


The "Share With Followers" Button

What does this button do? On HubPages, we follow other Hubbers and they follow us. When you click the "Share with followers" button, you are sending a notification to ALL of your followers simultaneously, of a Hub Article that you enjoyed and want to share with them. Often times, after sharing, you will notice that some of your followers will in turn leave a comment on the Hub that you shared. Be warned: Sharing your own Hubs frequently is not recommended!

The "Share on Facebook" Button

If you aren't familiar with Facebook, you really should be. If you are not interested in connecting with people and friends you know, you can still connect to other Hubbers and writers with similar interests. Facebook is a Social Media Network where millions of users share statuses, links, music, articles, web pages and so much more.

Using Facebook to generate traffic is a good thing. Any published author should have a Facebook account so that they can share and promote their work as well as other people's work that they want to share. Get over the stereotypes about Facebook and Signup today! There is a lot of potential for traffic and if you are not on Facebook, you are missing out!


"Digg" an Article is a Social Sharing Media website where members can share and discover each other's work. Users can follow each other and "Digg" articles and links that they want to share.

The more "Diggs" a page receives the more value it has in search engines. Digg uses community based voting so any website has a chance to make it to the top without relying on algorithms and traffic formulas.

Submitting your articles and other people's articles to Digg creates backlinks and many users have seen decent traffic from Digg. Building a network on Digg can be very useful for traffic generation.

The "StumbleUpon" Button

Have you "Stumbled Upon" a great Hub article that you want to share? StumbleUpon is a sharing site that allows users to share or "StumbleUpon" links, videos and photos that you liked and want to share.

StumbleUpon then categorizes what you shared and makes suggestions based on your activity to related content for you to check out. Often times the site shares with you things you might have never come across.

Users can rate what they see up or down and then the Stumbling process becomes more personalized with use. Using StumbleUpon is a great way to get your work out there and you can get decent traffic from the site if you are active.

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The "Share on Twitter" Button

Twitter is a great Social Networking site that allows users to post statuses and share links. Similar to Facebook in some ways yet a lot different in looks, members post "Tweets" that followers can "Retweet" and comment on.

Twitter operates in "Real Time" and is updated very quickly. Tweets are short promotions to links, ideas, stories and opinions that users can share. The maximum character count of each individual Tweet is 140 characters. This means that the information shared is brief and you only have to follow what you want to.

Twitter is a great tool for businesses that want to promote new products and specials. Many large business use Twitter in their promotions. Imagine sharing a bit of information with people who want to see what you will post next! Twitter is 100% Customized as you only follow what you want to!

Twitter is available in every country of the world and supports up to 20 different languages! You can make friends all over the world that share similar interests. The Mobile Application for Smart Phones is easy to use and notifies you of your account activity based on your preferences. Twitter can be a great source of inbound traffic to your Hubs!

The "Reddit" Share Button

Reddit considers itself "The Front Page of the Internet". It is a place that you can share links to just about anything and people who come across your submissions can rate them. Users are allowed to leave comments on what is submitted.

The site is designed into little communities called "SubReddits". Users can subscribe to the topics they are interested in and then they will receive suggestions on their home page. As a user reads the Reddits, they can vote, share and comment as they like. Having a Reddit account and sharing Hubs is another great way to get traffic from outside of HubPages.

Does Sharing on Reddit Really Work? You Be The Judge!

(Comment Used with Permission.)
(Comment Used with Permission.) | Source

Sharing on Pinterest: A Quick Guide

Pinterest is a place where you Share Photos with other users by "Pinning" your Photos from an article to a Virtual Pinboard.

You should never Pin someone else's photo unless you have their permission!

Pinterest is in the midst of a huge breakthrough as thousands of people are signing up every day. With all those people joining and participating on the site it is a great tool for getting traffic to Hub articles!

Basically, you can Pin one of your Photos from your article and create a backlink to the Hub. It is very fast and easy to use. Before long, you will see people re-pinning your photos to their own boards and you will have more backlinks spread out! Photos have to be a minimum of 200 pixels by 150 pixels to be Pinned.

If you do not want to allow people to Pin your Photos you can learn how to disable this feature by going here.


There is a button at the top of every HubPage article that allows you to share with your Google+ Circles. Not on Google+? You should be!

Google + is a clean social networking site with features similar to Facebook. You can post and share links to articles (or anything) with your Circles. What is nice about the Circles is that you can create them for targeted audiences so that only those you wish to share with will see what you share.

Create Echos on the Web Through Social Networking!


This article is intended to show the many different ways you can share articles from HubPages outside of the HubPages website. We have discussed the several websites that HubPages allows users to Share on right from the Individual Article.

These are only a few sites that have been shown to generate Hub traffic and every day new sites are going live. The Internet is constantly changing and no one know what the future will bring. Setting up a vast wide-spread Sharing Network can be very fruitful for Hubbers and other online writers.

Go set up your Network today over various sharing sites and you will begin getting more traffic in no time! Just remember, you have to be active on your sharing sites. No one likes people who only share their own work! Consider sharing the work of other Hubbers and you will build relationships that are profitable for a lifetime!

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