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How To Practice Delayed Gratification.

Updated on October 24, 2012

How to practice delayed gratification.

Instant this and instant that is all too obvious in this life. It is far too easy to get what we want without first having to do the work to get it. What I have found over the years is that we often get what we want then work out a way to pay for it. The only problem is we don't always find the way to pay for the must have item that we indulged in before we could really afford it.

This is much the same for some business owners. They get the idea then put the idea into action before doing sufficient research to see whether what they are planning will actually work. In a lot of cases and business failures the business owner quits before their time comes. They quit because things become too difficult for a while. It also happens in employment. More and more during this recession I am noticing people swapping and changing jobs and occupations because things are too tough so they quit their job and want to sit somewhere on the sidelines sucking their thumb. As they do this they try to recruit other thumb suckers to join in with the pity party.

During the pity party they complain and whine and justify why they did what they did in order to salve their conscience and make it all okay. They try to rationalise things. You know what rationalise breaks down to don't you? You don't....really! It boils down to telling RATIONAL LIES. Don't do it. It will rob you of your livelihood at some point and in the current financial climate will cause you so much hassle it just is not worth it.

When things are tough and you know they are just now you have to man up / or girl up and just get on with life and believe that it will only be temporary and that things will soon get better.

In my experience things do get better if you follow a few simple rules and not get sidetracked by the nay sayers in the world. Being positive and focused on where you are going is the main characteristic which you will need in order to get through the tough times ahead.

Let's face it things are not getting any cheaper so you are going to need that all important job you have right now. If you are reading this and don't currently have a job then I urge you to keep going through the numbers as finding employment can be a bit of a lottery. There are the jobs out there and you have to be prepared to take on a job which isn't your dream job but will pay enough to keep you going back each day. If you are in employment it is always easier to get another job. When you don't have a job it seems that it is a never ending process and that getting a job will take forever.

So what is delayed gratification?

This is when you want something so bad and you have to have it but deny yourself it until you can afford to pay for the item. It is fine to imagine that you already have the item in your possession even when you haven't. If you practice this on a regular basis you will believe that you do actually own this dream item and your sub-conscious mind will begin working out ways for you to be able to own this item. I think I have said before that your mind is the most powerful computer ever invented. It is a muscle and needs to be exercised on a regular basis. This exercise should include regular sessions of visualisation in order to practice delayed gratification.

Far too many people as I have said just go out and get the dream items and then work out a way to pay for them. This is the wrong way round and in the long run can lead to financial melt down as we have seen Worldwide over the last few years. Meltdown so bad that financial institutions are still falling by the wayside at regular intervals.

By all means have big dreams and aspirations but don't jeopardise your financial future just to have that new car or that big house before you can really afford it.


Article writers practice DG

Article writers on Hub Pages are living examples of DG ( delayed gratification ). They have to be because they put in the work first, never EXPECTING to get paid for their hard work. No they do it initially for the love of writing. In my case I do it with the view that if I can help just one person get closer to their goal in life then I will have achieved what I set out to do and that is HELP people get what they want by showing them the possibilities.

On Hub Pages particularly we know that it is not a get rich quick scheme. Consistent effort is needed and the building of your Hub Page business can and usually is a slow one to start off with. Like in many areas of our life we have to work very hard to start off with until momentum kicks in. When momentum kicks in with Hub Pages you will know that you have got your business moving and small amounts of money will begin to trickle through. Many of you reading this will be at that stage. It takes time to build up a solid foundation but consistent regular effort will build that foundation for you. Do not be tempted to start spending your small amount of profit. Leave the money where it is and practice delayed gratification. What I have found is that money goes to money. When you have none it is so difficult to manifest even the smallest amounts. If you have a little nest egg building you stand a far better chance of attracting larger more regular amounts to you.

I don't know why this is. It seems to follow some law of the universe and is akin to what you sow so shall you reap. If you believe that things are bad then they are. Think that things are great and they are. It is that old self fulfilling prophecy again.

Attitude can make or break us. Make sure you keep a check on your attitude as I believe it can affect your altitude and how high you are likely to get in employment and personal life.

Never give in.

One of the most important things never to do is to quit before your time comes. I have done this so many times in my life I have lost count. Never again. What I am doing here is the final thing. I will never ever quit my Hub Pages empire as it is now beginning to move. The longer I am here it seems the better it get's. Don't get me wrong I am by no means a rich man from my writing and may only be earning small amounts each month but I trust all the things in the advice I have been given over the last 7 months that one day I will have a big business from article writing. This is my vision and belief. Make sure that you have that belief in yourself and your business. Don't rely on and expect an income from your hobby. Do it with no thought to the monetary trappings and concentrate on writing good quality articles. If you do this you will be successful but you have got to stick at it and not give in at the first sign of a problem.Keep on keepin on as they say.

When I started writing this article it was going to be so much different and be a real how to article about practicing delayed gratification, instead it became an advert for Hub Pages. I am glad it did turn out this way because it really is the best place to be and be seen on the internet. Having tried making money at various online things I can honestly say that this is the real deal and anyone can and will make money here. It is just a case of who wants it bad enough to achieve what they are capable of.

To Summarise.

If you want to see the money from your writing efforts do as follows.

  • Practice delayed gratification
  • Believe in yourself
  • Put in regular consistent effort
  • Help others achieve
  • Avoid pity parties
  • Save your profits
  • Don't be tempted to spend money you don't yet have
  • Imagine yourself with a big business
  • Build momentum
  • Your time will come

Show Me The Money Now.

Unfortunately this is not possible. My advice is to put in consistent effort every day, have a plan and some goals of where you want to be in 6 months, a year, five years from now and don't quit because you will always wonder 'what if'. Don't let that be you. If you want to wonder 'what if' make it be ' what if I never started article writing, where would I be without it'?

What if

What if

What if

What if

What if


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